✨Embody Fertility✨

Discovering and then embodying the energetics coded inside of fertility is easier than you think.

Your desire to get pregnant and your willingness to explore your inner-world is enough.

The * Infamous Search * to Get Pregnant

The “search” to get pregnant:

  • The google search.

  • The diet search.

  • The perfect timing, perfect thoughts, perfect to-do list search.

The SEARCH for that *infamous answer* to get pregnant, feels incessant,

exhausting, and at times… impossible.

I legit can’t tell you how many times women will tell me:

  • “I want to stop the constantly searching, let go of control and trust, but I fear what will happen if I give up control.”

  • “I spend a lot of time focusing on making sure I DO everything right on the outside — and then I beat myself up for not making it perfect — and then I beat myself up for not giving myself more compassion.”

  • “I’ve been through so much and I’m starting to lose hope. I want so badly to BELIEVE again.”

  • “I believe in the law of attraction and the mind-body connection, but I don’t know how to apply it to my day to day life.

It’s the search that you’ve been brain-washed to believe will be found in doing all the things OUTSIDE of you.

And if we continue to search OUTSIDE of ourselves for evidence, approval and validation that we've finally "done enough" to get pregnant… then we’ll only continue to re-create our pasts with the replay of memories of what’s happened so far –- even though we desperately wanna see change.

The energetic truth is that YOU are the narrator, the host, the co-creator of your life – and YOU get to deliberately CHOOSE to create your baby and the quality of your life from the inside-out.

Because we create our realities from the inside-out.

NOT the other way around.

Are you ready to stop tryin’ to squeeze your infinite spirit into the life-draining mould of what “increasing your fertility” is supposed to look like?

And instead craving a soul-expanding journey to your beautiful babe that finally makes sense of your co-creative powers – no matter what you’ve been through — and the simple, yet powerful steps on how to make it work for YOU?

Do you wanna be able to feel immense joy + see those two pink lines finally pop up on that stick as evidence of your inherent magic WHILE STILL giving yourself fulllllll permission to be an imperfect human? Both can and are meant to to blissfully exist ❤️

This is not a pipe dream…

It’s not a fantasy.

And it is most definitely not “too good to be true.”

It is my REALITY and that of many of my clients.



✨Embody Fertility✨

AKA. a magical VAULT of answers to finally understanding & EMBODYING the energetics inside of fertility herself.

Inside of Embody Fertility we’re gonna bridge the gap between fluffy, fantasy ideas to physical f*cking reality.

All you need is a little bit of courage to be brave enough to go inside of your own inner world.

Inside of Embody Fertility will be a simple road map to curiously explore your own mind, learn how to CONNECT with the energy inside of our brilliant body and OWN THE FACT that you are vibrational, spiritual being that has the ability to co-create with an energy that is much bigger and much more forgiving than this physical plane of reality.

Now I get that this can feel confusing… I know there’s a part of you that maybe intuitive gets it, but intellectually, it still doesn’t make sense. Simply because we have been conditioned to value and use our physical senses in order to trust and believe.

Which is why I want to teach you the science behind how this is possible — and the exact steps on how to approach your fertility journey from an energetic approach inside of EMBODY FERTILITY.

Here’s how and everything that’s included inside:

MODULE 1: Being

Of course, you’ve learned about the million things you can DO to get pregnant, but does anyone talk about who you are BEING?

Being is state. Like being happy or being sad. It’s what frequency you’re radiating at. 

It’s step/module #1 because being is the spring of manifestation. It doesn’t matter what you do — if you’re being state is one of not enoughness found in radiating from the incessant belief that “I need to do more!” then even all the doing in the world won’t feel like enough.

In this module, you’re going to learn how to listen to the spirit of YOUR fertility so that you can attune to her frequency and be her now. Not just when you get pregnant. No more chasing mama-bear. Attract through shifting your being state. 

MODULE 2: Quantum Physics

The analytical part of our brains appreciates evidence and scientific proof of why spiritual concepts work.

Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy 🧬

It reveals very important aspects of the relationship between our observation of something and how this directly affects matter.

There is solid evidence — from Einstein being one of them — that proves that our observation (thoughts about our fertility) affects how matter (our bodies) works, changes and behaves.

Best of all, it It helps you to BELIEVE that even after SO LONG and even after everything you’ve been through, pregnancy is still possible.

MODULE 3: Time

Time can be one of the most pressure-filled aspects of the fertility journey. The fear around months/years TTC and age add so much weight to “making it happen.”

Eventually and after so much repetition, we start to blame and resent time. Unconsciously feeling like a victim to it. Feeling powerless over it. Using time to prove “It hasn’t happened yet, why would it happen now?”

But once you realize what time really is — a collection of past memories glued together — you’ll begin to create the inner safety that’s required to energetically let go of the past, co-create from this present moment and invite into your energy field a new, baby-filled future. 

MODULE 4: Your Humanity

Embody fertility is not a fluffy course on the Law of Attraction that promotes toxic positivity. Because as much as you are an infinite spirit… I ALSO want you to learn practical tools on how to nurture that sensitive nervous system of yours, with deep acceptance of your humanity.

I want you to know that being a human and having the full range of human emotions doesn’t fuck all the magic up, but can actually ADD to it when you can see yourself with compassion instead of shaming yourself into believing perfection is possible.

You quirks, your uniqueness, your sensitivities deserve to be nurtured and loved. I’m gonna show you how to do that, so that you can teach your baby how to do the same ❤️

Embody means:

To be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to an idea, quality or feeling. 

  • You’ll learn how to make this - what appears to be – an intangible part your fertility journey, feel VERY real, VERY possible and VERY exciting by integrating what you learn in your brain… into your body.

  • You’ll gain an intellectual understanding and a broken-down and simplified explanation of the quantum physics involved in creation to help you believe that what you’re doing is and will make a difference on your mind, body and spirit.

  • You’ll learn how you can play with time and change how you view it so it can actually be on your side. 

  • Best of all, you’ll learn how to embody it.

So who am I and what qualifies me to help you go from baby dust to baby growing in your belly?

I’m glad you asked! My name is Spenser Brassard and I’m a Certified Life Coach, Mind-Body Expert and self-proclaimed Fertility Guide 💫

On my 8 year long fertility journey, I did all-the-things to try and get pregnant. This includes, but is not limited to: countless fertility diets, 100’s of expensive vitamins/herbs, a folder full of acupuncture invoices, expensive naturopathic care, IVF and I’ve also had a couples of heart-breaking miscarriages.

I felt like I was just spinning my tires…

When everything “wasn’t working”… I realized that my fertility journey guided me back to the truth that we are all energetic beings. That whatever we put out, we receive back.

I loved the healthy sense of control this gave me over my life and fertility journey. I didn’t have to prove myself through my productivity anymore. I could learn how to connect with the energy of fertilityinstead of resenting that everyone had easy access to her but me.

Learning and then applying everything I discovered about time, quantum physics and how to call in new energy — even if we can’t yet see it — was the life raft I needed to know that there was more to this life then what meets the eye.

After embodying what I learned… I conceived my son naturally in July 2019. And I had my second baby boy in November 2022.

The journey to my babies was my catalyst out of the illusion that the physical world is all there is.

There is so much more. And I can’t wait to show you the evidence, the proof and the “how to” of this reality.

2 monthly payments of:

$111 Payment Plan

1 payment of:

$222 Pay in Full

This program WILL NOT BE:

Another manifestation course to try and gain control over how you think, feel and behave. You/me/we’ve already tried this… it doesn’t work 😘

This program WILL BE:

A life lesson — that you will take with you into pregnancy, motherhood and beyond — that you are already whole. As is. Perfection is NOT required to co-create this baby. And seeing this for yourself inside of the lessons in Embody Fertility will be your manifestation magnet 🧲 to creating a life that makes you wake up in the morning with a heart pumping out of your chest as you mumble to yourself, “What is this LIFE?!” 🙏🏽

But don't just take my word for it..

But don't just take my word for it..


  • The course is fully digital and pre-recorded that you can go at your own pace.

  • Learning how the energetics of fertility really works and how to EMBODY it is going to save you a TON of time, money and frustration by learning and applying it now. Consider yourself lucky to have landed on a program like this.

  • What makes my teaching unique is learning how it give birth to BOTH:

    1. The acceptance and harnessing of your spiritual powers. We can’t deny this.

    2. How to feed compassion to the very human parts of you that really just need some love and acceptance.

    These two together are a rare find in the fertility world. Something you’ve never seen. Something you’ve never tried. And coupled together, they are the most beautiful recipe for a full life and a limitless line of creations.

  • No. If this is something you want, then consider joining my group coaching program Fertility Mind-Body Mastery where we meet every Wednesday for 6 months straight.

  • You will get your login information sent to you as soon as you sign up! .

There’s a big difference between knowing vs. embodying fertility.

It’s the difference between reading a menu vs. tasting the food.

One is a mind experience and the other is a full body experience that ignites all of your senses and brings your ideal future into this present moment.

You can keep reading, researching and restricting to try and get pregnant. Which just keeps you locked inside of the thoughts of your mind that holds the memories of your past and re-creates the same reality.


You can learn how to gracefully and confidently invite the energy of fertility inside of your mind, body and spirit and EMBODY her TODAY.

The reality is that there are universal energies that are at your beckon call. Waiting to be of service. You just need to learn how to PLAY with this fertile MAGIC!